9.1 acres - South Auction

9.1 acres

Property No.: 6
Start Time:7/16/2024 1:00:00 PM
End Time:7/24/2024 5:47:04 PM
Bid Count:0
Winning Bidder:
Starting Bid:$100.00
Bid Increment:$25.00
Current Bid:$100.00

Property Details

Total Land Area:9.1 acres
County Map & Parcel Number:0045 004
Survey Company:Carter Surveying, LLC, Willacoochee, Ga
Property Zoning:AU - Agricultural / Residential
Address:Ray Van Brackle RoadLenox, Georgia 31637
Lat/Lon:31.257646, -83.397287

Closing Details

Closing Agent:Daniel ConnellBennett & Connell, LLC201 East 5th Street, Adel, GA229-896-5295
Closing Date:Aug. 30, 2024
Deed Type:General Warranty Deed
Buyer's Premium:0%

There are no bids for the lot at this time

  • Through no fault of the seller, this property has to be offered again at auction.
  • BIDDING ENDS: July 24th at 12pm NOON est. with extended bidding in place
  • Bidding is NOT by the acre. 
  • 10% Buyer's Premium will be added to the final winning bid / $1,500 minimum buyer's premium / 20% earnest money deposit due from the winning bidder.
  • PROPERTY LOCATION: Ray Van Brackle Road, Lenox, GA
  • Closing Attorney: Daniel Connell PC, Closing Date: August 30th
  • NOTE: All division lines are approx. and lines may change on the final survey. If the property sells as a whole on either side of the road, there is no survey required. 
  • The owner of this property has very recently passed away. Please be advised that closing will likely take a few months as his estate has to be settled.  To accommodate our buyers, we are going to change the earnest money requirements on each tract or the whole to only $5,000. If clear title cannot be produced in 90 days all earnest money will be returned to each buyer upon request with no penalty.


Total Land Area:9.1 acres
County Map & Parcel Number:0045 004
Survey Company:Carter Surveying, LLC, Willacoochee, Ga
Property Zoning:AU - Agricultural / Residential
No donations for this lot
Ray Van Brackle Road
Lenox, Georgia 31637
United States